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Alexei Butirskiy


Alexei Butirskiy

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Alexei Butirskiy

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Alexei Butirskiy has become one of the most sought-after impressionist painters of our decade. His paintings gracing the collections of thousands of art enthusiasts worldwide

Born in 1974 in Moscow, Russia, Alexei Butirskiy was drawn to art at an early age. In 1979, at the age of 5 years old, he visited a popular exhibition at the Pushkin Museum. It was here that he was first drawn to the wonder and beauty of fine art, and is where he decided that he would dedicate his life to pursuing his artistic passion

Following his dream, Butirskiy attended the Moscow Art college, where he graduated in 1996 with and excellence diploma. He then went on to study under the respected professor L.S. Hasyanova at the Russian Academy of the Arts. In 1998 he completed his studies at the academy and graduated with the highest honors attainable

During his time in college, Alexei Butirskiy began participating in exhibitions displaying his paintings for the world to see. As he gained popularity his paintings began to be featured in exhibitions and auctions in Russia, England, and the USA. Some of the more notable exhibitions being: the Russian Union of Artists, the Moscow Union of Artists, and the Art-salon at Manezh in Moscow. However, this was just the beginning for the artist

in 2007, Alexei Butirskiy was invited to exhibit his paintings at the renown Il Vittoriano in Piazza, Venezia, Rome, Italy. This prestigious venue was built in 1911 to honor unknown soldiers from Italy’s past and has exhibited the works of some of the worlds best-known artists including Picasso, Dali, Chagall, Monet, Manet, and Degas. It was here that solidified Butirskiy’s acceptance as one of the worlds great impressionist painters

Since his start as an artist, Butirskiy has participated in over 100 different exhibitions. His works continue to express the strong emotion and beauty that have drawn people to his work since his beginning. Upon looking at his paintings it is easy to understand why Butirskiy has been categorized as one of the great impressionist painters of our time

Alexei Butirskiy Art Inspiration and Style

“When I paint, I don‘t just copy from any particular place. I try to memorize the original impression I had when I was somewhere, and then I recompose it in my head, based on how I feel about it. After that, I paint. I think it is very important for an artist to not just copy mechanically from nature. In that case, the artist could be replaced by a camera

An artist should rather have a goal and then follow it to create the emotional image and a special atmosphere in the painting, and to thereby convey an individual message. Painting nature with all its many faces is always magnificent. To me, there is no such thing as bad weather.”

There are no truer words than his own to express the style and inspirations for his Paintings. Alexei Butirskiy is categorized as an impressionist and realist. Impressionism is a style of art characterized by the artist’s visual impression of the moment and is often used to portray strong emotion within the work. Realism is the art of depicting the subject in its true nature just as it would be seen in real life. Butirskiy combines these two disciplines to create an image that full of emotion and life

Butirskiy paints the feelings that he once experienced and captures the moment of each one of his memories. Butirskiy paints visions of his past life, focusing on the cities, countrysides, homes, and canals that he has visited on his journey through the world. He uses a wide array of light and dark colors to create a narrative filled with emotion, which resembles the works of other popular impressionist artists such as Claude de Lorraine and Caravaggio. Each one of his paintings seems to paint a picture of the feeling of being there and the peace and tranquility of each location. Every painting has a certain stillness to it, stripped of action and movement, which creates an inner peace symbolic of nature

Butirskiy paints with oil paints on canvas which allows him to create vibrant scenes full of bold light and dark colors that add immense depth and emotion to his paintings

Alexei Butirskiy Art for Sale

Butirskiy paintings have become widely desired by collectors everywhere. At Dolphin Galleries we have a wide variety of prints and originals available online. Our Butirskiy paintings are available with a wide range of prices that will be sure to fit your budget With our “try art buy art” program you can purchase a Butirskiy painting risk-free.